
International cooperation

About 5eglobal

• This project aims to respond to the growing demand for opinion and awareness campaigns in favor of cooperation in cultural, social, scientific and economic development; Organize colloquiums, seminars, round tables on these topics and participate in those organized by other entities.

• It arises in response to the interest in research, studies and social reports. Train personnel specialized in development issues in their different aspects. To carry out international exchanges of teachers and students, and which had not yet found the appropriate response.

• It is a good solution to take advantage of the progress of a good number of companies related to IT technology.

• It emerges as a possibility to take advantage of the best of technology to collaborate and participate with public and private entities and non-governmental organizations of the European Union and other countries in the realization of projects and programs of development cooperation as well as other assistance tasks.

Services of 5eglobal

• In addition to the above, cooperation, exchange and promotion of development, through cultural, economic, welfare, social, educational, scientific and religious activities.

• Encourage cultural activities with countries in the world.

• Organization of exhibitions, competitions, seminars and gatherings within the cultural, economic, educational and scientific fields.

• Foster trade relations in general for the development of different international markets, facilitating contacts and professional collaboration.

• Cooperation with official agencies to improve the possibilities of intercommunication between countries.

• Collaborate and maintain contacts with other organizations of identical or similar character so that this results in the enrichment and cooperation of common objects.

• And in general, any other social activity that the organs of the Organization consider appropriate to carry out.

Contact with 5eglobal

As transparency and information are our letters of introduction, we make available to our future clients all our social networks so they are aware of all our movements.

We also offer our telephone contact 24h in whatsapp.


Whatsapp telephone: 34663101811